Social Education


This bachelor´s course in Social Education allows students to:

  • Focus on the evolution of social education in the European political and social context;
  • Understand the basis, models and techniques of socio-educational intervention;
  • Master theoretical frameworks that characterise the target population and contexts, in order to support a differentiated intervention;
  • Understand the identity of the profession at the interface with other socio-educational action professionals, identifying areas and differentiated intervention contexts, respecting ethical principles;
  • Conceive, plan, implement and evaluate programmes and projects suitable to the socio-educational needs;
  • Mobilise pedagogical skills supporting training and socio-educational intervention strategies towards differentiated audiences;
  • Master research methodologies that enable the development of projects, the reasons for the action and continuous updating;
  • Develop a proactive and entrepreneurial intervention approach in different contexts and social problematics;
  • Promote the skills of individuals in fragile social situations and of minorities towards autonomy and social integration;
  • Develop a culture of citizenship and inclusion concerning individuals and groups in contexts of social vulnerability.

Career Opportunities

The bachelor’s course in Social Education allows for the following career opportunities:

  • Services to support the elderly (examples: old people’s homes, home support, day care centers, senior university);
  • Socio-educational services related to community/family context (examples: city councils, town halls, parish councils);
  • Third sector, that includes civil society organizations of public interest (examples: cultural/social/leisure associations of a solidary social nature, non-governmental organizations);
  • Services for childhood/youth promotion and protection (examples: temporary shelter centers, children and youth’s homes, specialized homes, foster care, children and youth protective services);
  • Services for people with disabilities and special needs (examples: occupational activities centers for people with disabilities in specific areas: cognitive; motor and the like; early intervention);
  • Socio-educational services related to the school context or a similar one (examples: schools, leisure workshops, toy libraries, private institutions of social solidarity with an educational department, adult training and education centers);
  • Social (re)integration services (examples: prison, educational center, immigrant support/host center);
  • Health services (examples: hospitals and primary health care centers).

Study Plan

1º year 1º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200081 Fundamentals of Social Education 2 189 90 7 EN
3181200082 Sociology and Politics of Education 2 162 75 6 EN
3181200083 Children and Youth Psychology 2 162 75 6 EN
3181200084 Intercultural Education and Citizenship 2 135 60 5 EN
3181200085 Social Research Methodology I 2 162 60 6 EN
1º year 2º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200086 Social Pedagogy 2 189 90 7 EN
3181200087 Adult and Elderly Psychology 2 135 60 5 EN
3181200088 Special Needs and Inclusion 2 162 75 6 EN
3181200089 Adult Education and Training 2 162 75 6 EN
3181200090 Social Research Methodology II 2 162 60 6 EN
2º year 1º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200091 Integrated Seminar of Recreational Space Dynamics 2 135 60 5 EN
3181200092 Interpersonal Relations and Group Dynamics 2 162 75 6 EN
3181200093 Psycosociology of Socio-Educational Organisations 2 162 75 6 EN
3181200094 Family and Support Social Networks 2 135 60 5 EN
3181200095 Seminar of Project Methodologies and Context Observation 2 216 90 8 EN
2º year 2º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200096 Education and Communitarian Development 2 135 60 5 EN
3181200097 Physical Activity, Leisure and Well-being 2 162 75 6 EN
3181200098 Socio-Educational Intervention with the Elderly 2 135 60 5 EN
3181200099 Risk Groups and Intervention for Social Inclusion 2 162 75 6 EN
3181200100 Seminar for the Conception of the Working Practice Project 2 216 90 8 EN
3º year 1º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200101 Seminar of Educational Communication 2 135 45 5 EN
3181200102 Socio-Educational Intervention with Children and Youth 2 135 45 5 EN
31813047 Op. Escrita Académica 2 108 30 4 EN
31813065 Op. Intervenção socioeducativa na demência 2 108 30 4 EN
3181200111 Op. Intervenção em Situações de Risco e Emergência 2 108 30 4 EN
3181200115 Op. Atualidade Anglófona e Francófona de Inclusão Social 2 108 30 4 EN
3º year 2º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200104 Career Counselling and Entrepreneurship 2 108 30 4 EN
3181200105 Health and Environmental Education 2 162 60 6 EN
31813065 Op. Intervenção socioeducativa na demência 2 108 30 4 EN
31813084 Op. Trabalho Socioeducativo em Creche 2 108 30 4 EN
3181200111 Op. Intervenção em Situações de Risco e Emergência 2 108 30 4 EN
3181200113 Op. Trabalho Socioeducativo em Comportamentos Aditivos 2 108 30 4 EN
3181200114 Op. Inclusão e literacia digital 2 108 30 4 EN
3181200115 Op. Atualidade Anglófona e Francófona de Inclusão Social 2 108 30 4 EN
3181200118 Op. Literatura para a Infância e Inclusão Social 2 108 30 4 EN


Admission examinations: 02.Biology and Geology OR 11.History OR 18.Portuguese

Note: The information available does not exempt applicants from consulting the website of the General Directorate of Higher Education (DGES) and/or of the Applicants website

Social Education

Degree or Diploma:
Bachelor's Degree

3 curricular years/ 6 semesters

Professor Rosina Fernandes