Teaching of Visual and Technological Education in Basic Schooling (5th and 6th grades)


The transformation of the structure of the higher education study cycles within the Bologna Process implies that the qualification for teaching is now at the master’s level, with a view to enhancing the quality of the preparation and the corresponding socio-professional status (Decree -Law No 43/2007).

Thus, this master’s course in the Teaching of Visual and Technological Education in Basic Schooling (5th and 6th grades) aims to provide an effective response to the training needs arising from the constant and legitimate change of times and the diversity of the current school. It also aims to develop critical and reflexive thinking for an adequate pedagogical intervention and to encourage an open spirit to cultural diversity, social difference and students’ learning difficulties.

On the one hand, it gives professional qualification for the teaching of Visual and Technological Education in basic schooling and, on the other hand, while allowing the accreditation of several CUs in the syllabus, it enables in-service training of already professionalized teachers, ensuring lifelong learning and continuous knowledge updating.

Career Opportunities

The master’s course in the Teaching of Visual and Technological Education in Basic Schooling professionally qualifies for the teaching of visual and technological education in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education – 5th and 6th grades.

Study Plan

1º year 1º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200864 Development and Learning Problems 2 81 37 3 EN
3181200865 Educational Theory 2 135 60 5 EN
3181200866 Research Methodology in Education 2 81 37 3 EN
3181200867 Curricular Development and Management 2 135 60 5 EN
3181200868 Specific Didactics I 2 162 75 6 EN
3181200869 Visual Culture 2 81 37 3 EN
3181200870 Visual Representation Laboratory 2 135 60 5 EN
1º year 2º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200871 School Organisation and Administration 2 81 37 3 EN
3181200872 Specific Didactics II 2 162 75 6 EN
3181200873 Educational Technology 2 81 37 3 EN
3181200874 Supervising Teaching Practice I 2 378 180 14 EN
3181200875 Technic and Artistic Technologies 2 108 48 4 EN
2º year 1º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200876 Specific Didactics III 2 162 75 6 EN
3181200877 Op. Gestão de Recursos Tecnológicos, Materiais e Artísticos 2 81 37 3 EN
3181200878 Op. Metodologias de Observação e Intervenção Artística 2 81 37 3 EN
3181200877 Op. Gestão de Recursos Tecnológicos, Materiais e Artísticos 2 81 37 3 EN
3181200878 Op. Metodologias de Observação e Intervenção Artística 2 81 37 3 EN
3181200879 Supervising Teaching Practice II 2 378 180 14 EN
3181200880 Visual Communication Laboratory 2 108 48 4 EN
3181200881 Processes of Creation and Technological Experimentation 2 81 37 3 EN
2º year 2º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200882 Specific Didactics IV 2 162 75 6 EN
3181200883 Current Policies in Basic Education 2 81 37 3 EN
3181200884 Multidisciplinary Installations 2 108 48 4 EN
3181200885 Research Seminar in Artistic and Technological Education 2 81 37 3 EN
3181200886 Supervising Teaching Practice III 2 378 180 14 EN


Soon indications will be given concerning a new period of applications.

Teaching of Visual and Technological Education in Basic Schooling (5th and 6th grades)

Degree or Diploma:
Master's Degree

2 curricular years / 4 semesters

Professor Ana Souto e Melo