Applied Theatrical Creation
This programme is intended for professionals who work or are involved in theatrical practices, teaching professionals and other professionals whose activity enhances personal and collective transformation through artistic practice, using resources and strategies that allow their ongoing training concerning relevant aspects of theatrical culture. It also aims to stimulate a process for the development of social skills, creativity, decision making and social responsibility, susceptible of the creation of an artistic product, show, integrated in specific and diversified contexts.
The programme prioritises the work on:
Show creation and art direction;
Theatrical practices and multidisciplinary artistic creation;
Theatre as a factor of development;
Theatre for complementary training and for organizations in diverse contexts.
The general syllabus of this programme will focus on:
Theatrical, educational and artistic foundations in theatrical creation;
From conception to theatrical staging;
Dramaturgy and playwriting in educational, cultural dynamics and artistic intervention environments;
Scenic space, scenography and scene objects;
Improvisation and interpretation within the scene and counter scene;
Research and reflection methodologies on the practices concerning theatrical creation;
Orally, from the vocal resources to the expression of the word and text;
In the current approaches of applied theatrical creation;
New directions for Applied Theatre organizations;
Presence and attitude towards the public;
Theatre and technology;
Theatre in diverse contexts (associations, museums, nursing homes, schools, social action organizations, namely those that work with specific educational needs, …);
Theatre, social inclusion and community development.
Coordinator: Professor Jorge Manuel Fraga de Mendonça
Career Opportunities
The professional profile to be achieved with this postgraduate course will be that of the professional with flexible and versatile capacities that allow him:
to act, using theatrical and interpretive techniques;
to act as an artist/pedagogue/director in the art direction of theatrical practices;
to intervene theatrically in the social and cultural domain;
to transfer knowledge in classes, short courses and theatre workshops, in different organizational contexts.
Degree or Diploma
Performing Arts Training Centre (CAFAC), IPV Central Services