Media Studies


In this bachelor’s course in Media Studies different domains are approached (animation, design, painting…) and the use of different media is promoted, contributing to the development of creative professionals, capable of a multidisciplinary practice.

Career Opportunities

This bachelor’s course aims to train qualified professionals in the following areas:

  • Journalism (press, radio and TV);
  • Information production (audiovisual production and direction; production of multimedia contents);
  • Online journalism (producer/editor/content manager of online content production portals);
  • Institutional communication (business consultancy, press office, communication and image);
  • Organization and management of information in companies and institutions of national and regional scope;
  • Internal and organizational communication.

Study Plan

1º year 1º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
31813000 Communication Systems and Models 2 108 45 4 EN
31813001 Information and Communication Theory 2 108 45 4 EN
31813002 Foreign Language Oral and Written Communication Techniques 2 108 45 4 EN
31813003 Journalistic Genres 2 135 60 5 EN
31813004 Contemporary History Themes 2 108 45 4 EN
31813005 Audiovisual Laboratory 2 108 45 4 EN
31813006 Computer Sciences and Communication 2 135 60 5 EN
318130010 Media and Contemporary Culture 3 108 45 4 EN
318130011 Information and Communication Theory 3 108 45 4 EN
318130012 Foreign Language Oral and Written Communication Techniques 3 108 45 4 EN
318130013 Journalistic Genres 3 135 60 5 EN
318130014 Audiences and Media Literacy 3 108 45 4 EN
318130015 Audiovisual Laboratory 3 108 45 4 EN
318130016 Technologies and Digital Image 3 135 60 5 EN
1º year 2º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
31813007 Journalism Workshop 2 108 45 4 EN
31813008 Research Methodology in Communication 2 162 75 6 EN
31813009 Portuguese Language and Culture 2 108 45 4 EN
31813010 Media History 2 108 45 4 EN
31813011 Social Psychology 2 108 45 4 EN
31813012 Foreign Languages Applied to Media Studies 2 108 45 4 EN
31813039 Op. Ética e Deontologia 2 108 45 4 EN
31813040 Op. Técnicas de Expressão em Comunicação Social 2 108 45 4 EN
31813044 Op. Teoria da Informação e da Comunicação II 2 108 45 4 EN
31813063 Op. Oficina de assessoria de imprensa 2 108 45 4 EN
318111550 Op. Comunicação Intercultural 2 108 45 4 EN
3181200498 Op. Estudos Interculturais 2 108 45 4 EN
318130017 Journalism Workshop 3 108 45 4 EN
318130018 Research Methodology in Communication 3 162 75 6 EN
318130019 Portuguese Language and Culture 3 108 45 4 EN
318130020 Communication Ethics and Deontology 3 108 45 4 EN
318130021 Social Media Communication Strategies 3 108 45 4 EN
318130022 Societies and Geopolitics of the 20th and 21st Centuries 3 108 45 4 EN
31813040 Op. Técnicas de Expressão em Comunicação Social 3 108 45 4 EN
31813080 Op. Psicologia Social 3 108 45 4 EN
2º year 1º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
31813014 Semiotics of Communication 2 135 60 5 EN
31813015 Foreign Languages and Cultures 2 108 45 4 EN
31813016 Radio Workshop 2 108 45 4 EN
31813017 Sociology of Communication 2 108 45 4 EN
31813018 Photografy 2 135 60 5 EN
31813019 Human Resources Management 2 108 45 4 EN
31813045 Op. Estratégias e Dinâmicas de Comunicação Cultural 2 108 45 4 EN
31813061 Op. Estratégias de comunicação nas redes sociais 2 108 45 4 EN
3181200453 Op. Organização e Gestão de Eventos 2 108 45 4 EN
3181200454 Op. Infografia 2 108 45 4 EN
3181200462 Op. Design da Comunicação 2 108 45 4 EN
3181200945 Op. Interpretação para o Audiovisual 2 108 45 4 EN
318130024 Semiotics of Communication 3 135 60 5 EN
318130025 Marketing Communication 3 108 45 4 EN
318130026 Radio Workshop 3 108 45 4 EN
318130027 Sociology of Communication 3 108 45 4 EN
318130028 Photography 3 135 60 5 EN
318130029 Human Resources Management 3 108 45 4 EN
31813082 Op. Media Estrangeiros Digitais e Línguas e Culturas Estrangeiras 3 108 45 4 EN
3181200453 Op. Organização e Gestão de Eventos 3 108 45 4 EN
2º year 2º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
31813021 Television Direction 2 108 45 4 EN
31813022 Information and Communication Policies in the EU 2 135 60 5 EN
31813023 Digital Narratives 2 108 45 4 EN
31813024 Cyberculture 2 108 45 4 EN
31813025 Multimedia Workshop 2 135 60 5 EN
31813026 Data Organization and Treatment 2 108 45 4 EN
31813041 Op. Laboratório de Imprensa 2 108 45 4 EN
31813046 Op. Língua Estrangeira Aplicada aos Novos Media e ao Ciberespaço 2 108 45 4 EN
31813051 Op. Jornalismo de Proximidade 2 108 45 4 EN
3181200453 Op. Organização e Gestão de Eventos 2 108 45 4 EN
3181200537 Op. Atelier Multimédia 2 108 45 4 EN
318130031 Television Direction 3 108 45 4 EN
318130032 Pragmatics of Communication 3 135 45 5 EN
318130033 Digital Narratives 3 108 45 4 EN
318130034 Cyberculture 3 108 45 4 EN
318130035 Multimedia Workshop 3 135 60 5 EN
318130036 Data Organization and Treatment 3 108 45 4 EN
31813046 Op. Língua Estrangeira Aplicada aos Novos Media e ao Ciberespaço 3 108 45 4 EN
31813051 Op. Jornalismo de Proximidade 3 108 45 4 EN
3º year 1º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
31813028 Television and Cinema Workshop 2 135 60 5 EN
31813029 Cyberjournalism 2 135 60 5 EN
31813030 Visual Culture 2 108 45 4 EN
31813031 Marketing Communication 2 108 45 4 EN
31813032 Specialized Journalism 2 108 45 4 EN
31813033 Creative Writing 2 108 45 4 EN
31813042 Op. Arte e Património 2 108 45 4 EN
31813053 Op. Jornalismo para os Novos Media 2 108 45 4 EN
31813057 Op. Comunicação e Informação em Contextos de Crise 2 108 45 4 EN
31813062 Op. Multicâmara em estúdio 2 108 45 4 EN
31813078 Op. Design gráfico para conteúdos digitais 2 108 45 4 EN
3181200463 Op. Grafismo Audiovisual 2 108 45 4 EN
3181200945 Op. Interpretação para o Audiovisual 2 108 45 4 EN
318130038 Television and Cinema Workshop 3 135 60 5 EN
318130039 Journalism for the New Media 3 135 60 5 EN
318130040 Visual Culture 3 108 45 4 EN
318130041 Studio Multicamera 3 108 45 4 EN
318130042 Specialized Journalism 3 108 45 4 EN
318130043 Creative Writing 3 108 45 4 EN
3º year 2º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
31813035 Pragmatics of Communication 2 135 60 5 EN
31813036 Communications Consultancy 2 162 75 6 EN
31813052 Op. Audiências e Literacia Mediática 2 108 45 4 EN
31813053 Op. Jornalismo para os Novos Media 2 108 45 4 EN
31813064 Op. Documentário audiovisual 2 108 45 4 EN
31813067 Op. Pós produção áudio e podcasting 2 108 45 4 EN
31813081 Op. Podcast: produção e divulgação 2 108 45 4 EN
31813083 Op. Inteligência Artificial Aplicada à Comunicação 2 108 45 4 EN
3181200463 Op. Grafismo Audiovisual 2 108 45 4 EN
31813038 Traineeship 2 405 150 15 EN
318130045 Information and Communication Policies in the EU 3 135 60 5 EN
318130046 Communication Consultancy 3 162 75 6 EN
318130047 Work Placement 3 405 150 15 EN


Admission examinations: 04.Economy OR 11.History OR 18.Portuguese

Note: The information available does not exempt applicants from consulting the website of the General Directorate of Higher Education (DGES) and/or of the Applicants website

Media Studies

Degree or Diploma:
Bachelor's Degree

3 curricular years / 6 semesters

Professor Joana Martins