Sport and Physical Activity


This bachelor’s course in Sport and Physical Activity focuses on:

  • Evaluating, programming and conducting teaching and training in various sports specialties within schools, clubs, associations and federations;
  • Programming and conducting physical and sports activities in diverse institutional contexts, such as municipalities, gyms, academies, fitness and wellness clubs, active tourism, etc.;
  • Monitoring the physical and sports activities of special populations and risk groups;
  • Managing and technically directing sports facilities, gymnasiums, sports clubs and fitness and health centres.

Career Opportunities

The current professional of Sport and Physical Activity has to respond to several professional challenges. The course in Sport and Physical Activity at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu is a professionally eclectic course for the area 813 – Sports, enabling the graduate to take on various jobs under the Portuguese and European Law. It is a bachelor’s degree that comprises the basic skills for the various professions in sport without early professional specialization. That is why the study plan is bold and innovative in the different scientific (biological, psychological and social), pedagogical and methodological dimensions, centred on a didactic approach to technical contents concerning several modalities of sport and physical activity. It is therefore assumed that specialization will be achieved in subsequent postgraduate courses.

The career opportunities allowed by this course are predominantly:

  • Sports Coach: professionals involved in the training and competitive guidance of sports practitioners, as well as in the technical framework of a sports activity, habitually, seasonally or occasionally practised, linked to sports federations with public sports utility, sports associations and entities providing sports services, as referred to in article 43 of Law no. 5/2007, January 16th, under Law no. 40/2012, August 28th;
  • Fitness Technician: professionals responsible for planning, prescribing, guiding and conducting sporting activities taking place in sports facilities that provide sports services in the area of fitness maintenance, namely gymnasiums, fitness centres, or health clubs, regardless of the designation adopted and the form of exploitation, as defined by Law no. 39/2012, August 28th;
  • Technical Director: professionals responsible for the coordination and supervision of the prescription, evaluation, conduction and guidance of the sporting activities that take place in sports facilities providing sports services in the area of fitness maintenance, namely gymnasiums, fitness centres or health clubs, regardless of the designation adopted and the form of exploitation. They are also responsible, among other functions, for coordinating and supervising the evaluation of the quality of the services provided, and for coordinating the production of the sporting activities, technically supervising, as far as the functioning of sports facilities is concerned, the sporting activities developed therein, according to Law no. 39/2012, August 28th;
  • Sports and Physical Activity Technician in the CEA programme: professionals responsible for planning, prescribing, guiding and conducting sports and physical activities within the scope of the Curriculum Enrichment Activities programme for the 1st Cycle of Basic Education;
  • Sports and Physical Activity Technician: professionals responsible for planning, prescribing, guiding, conducting and evaluating sports and physical activities in situations not previously mentioned.

In addition, the career opportunities allowed by this course are:

  • Sports Manager: events promotion and organization in the sport and physical activity area, as well as the management of sports organizations;
  • Sports Trainer and Researcher: production of technical and scientific reference knowledge within sports motricity, either concerning the various contextual areas of intervention, or the different scientific areas of study.

Study Plan

1º year 1º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200601 Anatomophysiology I 1 108 45 4 EN
3181200602 Biomechanics 1 108 45 4 EN
3181200603 Anthropology and History of Body Activities 1 108 45 4 EN
3181200604 Motor Development 1 135 60 5 EN
3181200605 Sports and Physical Activities I 1 162 120 6 EN
3181200606 Research Methodology in Sport 1 108 60 4 EN
3181200607 Língua Estrangeira – Inglês 1 81 45 3 EN
3181200608 Língua Estrangeira – Francês 1 81 45 3 EN
1º year 2º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200609 Anatomophysiology II 1 108 45 4 EN
3181200610 Motor Control and Learning 1 135 60 5 EN
3181200611 Exercise Physiology 1 108 60 4 EN
3181200612 Sport Psychology 1 108 45 4 EN
3181200613 Sports and Physical Activities II 1 162 120 6 EN
3181200614 Evaluation Techniques in Sports 1 108 60 4 EN
3181200615 Computer Sciences and Multimedia Applied to Sports 1 81 60 3 EN
2º year 1º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200616 Sports and Physical Activities Pedagogy I 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200617 Physical Activity and Special Needs Populations I 1 108 45 4 EN
3181200618 Sports and Physical Activities III 1 162 120 6 EN
3181200619 Theory and Methodology of Training I 1 108 60 4 EN
3181200620 Sports Sociology 1 108 45 4 EN
31813049 Op. Andebol e Basquetebol 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200471 Op. Educação Sénior 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200476 Op. Desportos Coletivos de Invasão 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200477 Op. Natação 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200478 Op. Atividades de Academia 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200479 Op. Atividades Atléticas 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200486 Op. Desportos de Rede 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200636 Op. Artes Marciais e Motricidade Reflexivo-Postural 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200643 Op. Desportos Individuais 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200644 Desportos Coletivos 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200949 Op. Futebol 1 162 90 6 EN
2º year 2º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200622 Sports and Physical Activities Pedagogy II 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200623 Sports and Physical Activities IV 1 162 120 6 EN
3181200624 Physical Activity and Special Needs Populations II 1 108 45 4 EN
3181200625 Sport Management 1 108 45 4 EN
3181200626 Theory and Methodology of Training II 1 108 60 4 EN
31813049 Op. Andebol e Basquetebol 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200477 Op. Natação 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200478 Op. Atividades de Academia 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200479 Op. Atividades Atléticas 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200480 Op. Atividades de Exploração na Natureza 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200486 Op. Desportos de Rede 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200636 Op. Artes Marciais e Motricidade Reflexivo-Postural 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200637 Op. Desportos de Raquete 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200643 Op. Desportos Individuais 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200949 Op. Futebol 1 162 90 6 EN
3º year 1º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200628 Group Dynamics in Sport 1 108 45 4 EN
3181200629 Physical Activity & Leisure 1 108 45 4 EN
3181200630 Traineeship I 1 432 180 16 EN
31813049 Op. Andebol e Basquetebol 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200476 Op. Desportos Coletivos de Invasão 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200477 Op. Natação 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200478 Op. Atividades de Academia 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200479 Op. Atividades Atléticas 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200486 Op. Desportos de Rede 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200636 Op. Artes Marciais e Motricidade Reflexivo-Postural 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200643 Op. Desportos Individuais 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200949 Op. Futebol 1 162 90 6 EN
3º year 2º Semester
Code Curricular Unit Plano Work Hours Contact Hours ECTS ECTS File
3181200632 Sports Injuries and First Aid 1 108 45 4 EN
3181200633 Ethics and Deontology in Sport 1 108 45 4 EN
31813049 Op. Andebol e Basquetebol 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200477 Op. Natação 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200478 Op. Atividades de Academia 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200479 Op. Atividades Atléticas 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200480 Op. Atividades de Exploração na Natureza 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200486 Op. Desportos de Rede 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200495 Op. Expressão Corporal e Dança 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200636 Op. Artes Marciais e Motricidade Reflexivo-Postural 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200643 Op. Desportos Individuais 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200949 Op. Futebol 1 162 90 6 EN
3181200635 Traineeship II 1 432 180 16 EN


Admission examinations: 02.Biology and Geology OR 16.Mathematics OR 18.Portuguese

Note: The information available does not exempt applicants from consulting the website of the General Directorate of Higher Education (DGES) and/or of the Applicants website

Sport and Physical Activity

Degree or Diploma:
Bachelor's Degree

3 curricular years / 6 semesters

Professor Abel Figueiredo